Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


Foolishly unhappy. If given just two words to describe a majority of people, these would be the two I would choose. It doesn’t define everyone, but it properly describes a good number. Look around and you will see a lot of people who are foolishly unhappy. Few would doubt the “unhappy” description. A significant number of […]

Celtic spirituality uses the phrase “thin place.” It’s a place where the distance between heaven and earth seems more thin than other places. In those locations, God seems more near, heaven seems not-so-distant, and eternity seems not so abstract. There are many “thick places” on earth. There are few places that I doubt God more […]

With marriage comes obligations. We don’t like the word obligations. We want to do what we want; we do not like to be duty-bound to anything. Yet whenever we say “I do” we are obligating ourselves to some activities. As a wife, my spouse has rights which I am generally bound to meet. Unless she […]

The post Four Rights of Marriage appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Preachers do not preach very often about sex. In fairness, there are a lot of topics which need to be covered and only one Sunday a week. However, we should talk about it more. Our sex-saturated culture needs to hear what the Bible has to say about healthy sexuality. In 1 Corinthians, Paul confronted two […]

They say money can’t make you happy. But they lie. Money can drastically influence one’s happiness and satisfaction in life. Recent studies have proven that up to a certain threshold, money can buy happiness. It’s not surprising that if someone has enough money to secure a house, to know where the next meal will come from, and […]

The post Money Can Make You Happy appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.