Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


If a successful marriage requires intentional actions from two people, what does intention look like on a daily basis? While there are times in which being intentional requires major sacrifice, most marriages can benefit from small steps taken with purpose. If you want to change your marriage today, here are 7 actions to take every day. 7 Intentional Daily Steps: 1. As your day begins, connect with your spouse. Even if it’s just a moment,Continue Reading...

We like to define people by their failure. “You know who that is?” “You heard what she did?” “Is that the one who did ____?” It’s one of the reasons many people are terrified about a school reunion. We assume everyone will remember the stupidest thing we did. We fear they will remember because we still remember: the kid who threw up during third grade social studies, the girl who transitioned into womanhood during aContinue Reading...