Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


My grandparents went to bed every night at the same time. Sometimes he was tired and she wasn’t. Sometimes she was tired and he wasn’t. Yet every night, whomever was most tired would wait until the other was ready. When they were both ready for bed, they would go. I doubt my grandparents ever read […]

I’ve never seen it on someone’s Top Ten list of traits for a future spouse. Yet one characteristic I would demand regarding a future spouse is a healthy work-ethic. It’s late at night as I write this. Having put the kids to bed, Jenny and I have opened up our laptops. I’m forming sentences as […]

The post This Is Who You Want to Marry appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

I’ve probably used the phrase ten times in the last week. Through a variety of situations—death, divorce, disappointment—I’ve reminded the person I’m talking to about the nature of grief—it is “ever changing.” One of the great deceptions we have about grief is that we have dealt with it. It’s what the courageous among us do; […]

The post An Ever Changing Grief appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

There are few things like the feeling of being on stage, unable to speak, because the laughter of the crowd would drown out anything you might say. It’s an addictive experience. One which pulls me toward comedy, but I’m not a comedian. Why not? (See: A Dangerous Assumption About God’s Will) The obvious answer is “because […]