Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


As an American, a person can vote however they wish. Some say there should be no litmus test. They believe you have to separate church and state in the voting booth or they claim you have to vote a certain way, but it’s not true. The joy of a democracy is that a person is […]

This is episode five of The 7 Series: Parenting. In this episode we begin to discuss the “how” of parenting. Environment and conversations are the two primary avenues through which a parent expresses their authority and love while allowing a child to experience the power of choice and consequence. For more on the topic of […]

On Wednesday October 29 in association with John Brown University, I will be facilitating a discussion with an eclectic group of leaders. You are welcome to join us if you live in the region or can watch live at 6:00, CST by clicking here. For background on our panelist, click here. Please visit, Noble Impact […]

The post Books Three Leaders Recommend appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Whenever I watch a football game, I see if a play fails or succeeds. Is the pass caught? Does the run pick up yards? Does the defense pressure the quarterback? I look for outcomes. But a coach sees something differently. After watching daily practices, scripting the plays, and spending hours watching film, a coach can […]

Your teenagers will not be perfect. Most parents understand this. There are a few who are deceived into thinking they have given birth to the only exception to this rule. Living in denial, they believe their child can do no wrong despite all the evidences to the contrary. Every child will make mistakes. And when they […]

Every great leader I’ve ever met has one thing in common. They differ in backgrounds, experiences, skills, giftedness, personality types, field of study, and every other area imaginable. Leaders come in all different shapes and sizes. Some lead Fortune 500 companies and others only have a single line on their resume which reads “Stay-at-Home Mom.” […]