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Weekly Newsletter
finding wisdom in a foolish world
You Turn launches today. Okay it actually launched last week because I hit the wrong button on Amazon–rookie mistake. It was supposed to publish on Monday, but word is out so why not let everyone else know. My first shipment of books arrived last night so some of the people who pre-ordered will be receiving their books today. I’ll be receiving another shipment next week for everyone who ordered the book in bulk. Where toContinue Reading...
The post Five People Who Should Read “You Turn” appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
It had been a long day. Most days aren’t that way, but this day had been crazy. It began early, ended late, and was packed for every second in-between. As an introvert, I was exhausted. I love people, but I need time by myself in order to rejuvenate. Jenny knows this. Although she worked all day including the last two hours with kids in the house, she knew what I needed. She took the kids,Continue Reading...
The post Appreciation in Marriage appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
We hope the refugees did it. We may not say it out loud or admit to everyone. But deep down, we secretly hope they are to blame. On Friday night November 13, 2015 eight Islamic terrorists attacked six different locations in Paris killing 129 and injuring over 350. It was another in a series of attacks aimed to wreak havoc within civilized cultures and to draw attention to the faltering cause of radical extremists. InitialContinue Reading...
The post Why We Hope the Refugees Did It appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
We are a week away from my first book, You Turn, being available on Amazon. Before it’s available for everyone, I want to make a special offer to my hometown. If you live in the Greater Fort Smith Region I’ll offer the book on discount if you will buy in bulk. On Amazon, the book will be $15.99. For those that order by Wednesday, November 18 and purchase in bulk, I’ll offer the following discounts:Continue Reading...
The post Be the First to Own My New Book, You Turn appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
In days long ago, many professions were called practices and professionals were called practitioners. The custom still remains. My doctor is considered a practitioner. He plays many roles: teacher, counselor, guide, and friend. However, the main definition for what he does is practice medicine. The term reminds us that professions like medicine, law, and art are never mastered. His knowledge grows. She becomes more proficient. But no one fully arrives. There’s not a level of expertise that allowsContinue Reading...
The post We Need More Practice at Life appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
Twenty-somethings are some of my favorite people. Many of them have grown-up and matured so that they ask serious questions and are open to deep conversations. While their parents might be worried about them, as their friend, I can stand back and watch how they attack life. Many people are pessimistic about the next generation. I’m not. Some of the most motivated, intelligent, and gifted people I know are in their 20s and are setContinue Reading...
The post Five Mistakes Twenty-somethings Make appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
Marriage is the union of two imperfect people. While the union should lead to the betterment of both individuals, it perfects neither one. Couples wed when they are imperfect and they remain imperfect throughout the marriage. Many of these imperfections come and go throughout the years. The early years of marriage should empower a couple toward maturity, removing some faults and flaws. Yet even as some areas are improved, new difficulties arise. Some of yourContinue Reading...
The post In Marriage Some Things Never Change appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
Why do we follow the wrong people? Why does our viewpoint get pushed aside as our boss follows someone who is obviously wrong? Why are we tempted to vote for people who can’t do the job they are elected to do? Why does a negative person have such sway on an office, church, or community? There are two reasons: 1. We are prone to believe those who portray certainty. 2. We are tempted to fakeContinue Reading...
The post Why We Follow the Wrong People appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.