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finding wisdom in a foolish world


Kids should have the right to question their parents. How else are they expected to learn? I want kids to be aware of my fallibility, to think for themselves, and to believe there are other ways to accomplish tasks beyond the way I direct them. But there is one caveat about their free reign to question me–they can only do so AFTER they obey. One of the most common mistakes parents make is to allowContinue Reading...

The post Don’t Fight With Your Kids appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

As a child, it was an unmistakable sound. The rhythmic noise of steam escaping through the little valve meant mom was cooking with the pressure cooker. Water was put in a sealed container along with whatever the meal was for the evening. At first, nothing would really happen. But slowly, the heat began to rise. As the temperature rose, so did the pressure. The “jiggler” would begin its dance. Pretty soon, supper was ready. TheContinue Reading...

Parents brag when their toddler skips a developmental step. They assume their child is a prodigy, so he didn’t need to crawl when he could learn to walk. They boast to their friends and assume their child is on the fast-track to brilliance. Developmental experts don’t brag on such children, they worry about them. Skipping a key milestone isn’t impressive to the expert–it’s cause for possible concern. Experts know that skills often stack on topContinue Reading...