Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


In a society that honors power, money, fame, and success, there is a desired quality which is often overlooked–integrity. If I had to pick one thing for my children to have, ranking higher than health or wealth would be the presence of character in their lives. While an absence of integrity has always been present, we may have never experienced a time in which the concept of character is so overlooked or downplayed. We haveContinue Reading...

I knew I was in trouble. As I stood on stage interviewing a person, I needed a note card that was in a chair on the front row. I didn’t necessarily want to stop and say, “Could someone bring me that note card in the chair?” So as I was speaking, I pointed to Jenny, pointed toward the card, and then waved toward me. But there was a major problem–I knew there was very littleContinue Reading...

The post What Jenny And I Can’t Do appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

I’m biased. I recognize it. Growing up in the home of an elementary school teacher, I was trained to dislike Valentine’s Day. Can you imagine a worse day to be a teacher (maybe Field Day)? In many schools on Valentine’s Day, parents send massively large, yet cheap, gifts to their child at school. The office is filled with balloons, stuffed bears, a variety of other gifts which staff and teachers have to deal with allContinue Reading...

Sally never saw the diagnosis coming. There had been no pain, no symptoms, and no concern. The appointment was routine. The blood work was expected. The follow-up was pre-scheduled. She was so oblivious to the possibility of a problem that she never noticed the concern on the doctor’s face as she walked into the exam room. As the doctor began to speak, Sally was confused. What was she talking about? Elevated blood counts, suspicious scans,Continue Reading...

The post When Cancer Causes Divorce appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

You can be far worse than you realize. Without much effort. Without any outside help. With a magnitude you can hardly imagine. You have a tremendous capacity for evil. There is no ceiling to how much evil you could do. We don’t like to believe this. We convince ourselves that at our core, we are good. We know we can make bad choices. We understand we can be foolish. But we assume the bad stuff,Continue Reading...