Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


A friend called me a few years ago. I felt the vibration in my pocket so I stopped what I was doing and answered the phone. “What are you doing?” he asked. “Mowing the driveway,” I responded. I didn’t even notice how odd the remark sounded until, in a confused voice, my friend asked me to repeat […]

God is love. These three words are from one of the simplest and most beautiful verses in the Bible. They describe God in the simplest of forms. But they leave us with a great misunderstanding of the character of God. God is love. But what is love? When God’s self-declaration of having the character of love […]

The boundary you are most tempted to ignore is the one you most need to observe. Every marriage needs firm guardrails to protect the relationship. Without specific plans, clear boundaries, and general operating procedures, an individual leaves themselves open to a significant moral failure which will either greatly hinder the relationship or completely destroy it. (See: No […]

On a regular basis I stand before a grieving family, beside a casket, and speak about life and death. As I do, I’m always reminded I could be just 72 hours away from either sitting on the front row or lying in the casket. We are all going to die. It’s a truth we know, […]

The post Always Attend the Funeral appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

I’m unaware of any good boss who would debate the following advice. It is a universal way to experience success at work, further your career, find value and purpose in what you are doing, and garner respect from those for whom you work. If you will do the following three things over and over again, there […]