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Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


Imagine it’s the Friday before vacation. When you leave the office today, you won’t return for two weeks. What do you do? Probably the first thing to happen is you find a way to close out the outside world so you can accomplish the most important things. I would shut my office door, close my […]

The post A Secret to Productivity appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

I find it interesting that God talks about sex in the Ten Commandments. We know sex is important, but the fact that it made the Top Ten is surprising. While we seek to privatize sex, God seems to publicize it. (See: What Your Husband Wants from You In Bed) The presence of sex within the […]

The post Three Myths About Adultery appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Respect must reside at the heart of every marriage which desires to thrive. It can’t be something which is simply implied or discussed; it must be felt. When disrespect enters into a relationship, the couple begins a downward spiral from which it is very difficult to recover. While it’s possible to regain respect, it is far easier to never lose […]

I hear it from young adults on a regular basis—”I could do the job.” Many times they believe it and often I believe them. But then they continue, “They just won’t give me a chance.” (See: You Always Have an Excuse) Believing you are being held back by others is a common experience. We all […]

I might be single tomorrow. I’m not planning on it. I hope it doesn’t happen. But it could. If there is any guarantee in life it is that we do not know what might happen tomorrow. All of us are one phone call away from life being flipped upside down: the parent of the honors […]

The post I May Not Be Married Tomorrow appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.