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finding wisdom in a foolish world


My heart breaks as I read the headlines of yet another life cut tragically short because he was found out. His secret was revealed, but not by his own choosing. The shock of sudden exposure likely made the offense seem even worse than it was. It was serious, but it shouldn’t have been deadly. It’s a tragic pattern played out on a regular basis–a person of faith has a secret, the secret is revealed, andContinue Reading...
The post Secrets Kill: Choose Life Through Honesty appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Jenny can finish the joke before I even say it. I can guarantee the recipe she made will look different from last time she cooked it, even before it is out of the oven. No matter how out of sync we might get in the moment, we both know we will re-align the next time we have a few hours by ourselves. (See: The Lowest Bar for Marital Success) A healthy marriage has many byproducts. OneContinue Reading...
The post Predictability: A Byproduct of a Healthy Marriage appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

One reader said I was “creating a rape culture.” Another reader said I was a “communist.” I’m sure Donald Trump would call me a “politically correct fool.” The issue of political correctness is hotly debated. During a Republican debate, Fox News commentator Megyn Kelly pressed Trump about his history of sexist comments toward women. Trump’s response was that he didn’t have time for “political correctness.” (See: 10 Communication Posts Your Co-Workers Should Read) Following the debateContinue Reading...
The post Political Correctness: What Donald Trump Doesn’t Understand appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

In response to some concern, please note: the headline is about why my feeling is not fact. I am not trying to diminish the feeling of police officers or their families regarding the real danger in their jobs. While writing on decision making, I used this illustration to offer encouragement to those wearing the badge. #BlueLivesMatter The hashtag has become popular over the past few months as American police officers are under attack. Threats haveContinue Reading...
The post Why Feeling Is Rarely Fact appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Ella wasn’t feeling well so she decided to lay down on the couch next to me. As I was watching golf, she said, “Dad, will you change the channel to the Disney Channel?” After telling her ‘no,’ she got up so I asked her where she was going. She said, “I’m going to go Google how to be a good dad.” About ten minutes later she returned. I asked her what Google thought about beingContinue Reading...
The post Tug-of-War, Joining the Boy Scouts, and a Funeral Procession appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

A marriage enjoyed by two people of deep faith should have several characteristics which greatly differ from other marriages. Forgiveness, mercy, passion, and service should be more prevalent in a Christian home. They aren’t always more visible, but they should be. One of the great gifts which faith should give to a Christian marriage is prayer. On a regular basis, you should pray for your spouse–not just ABOUT them, but FOR them. (See: What I PrayedContinue Reading...
The post Why You Should Pray For Your Spouse appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

At its best, Facebook is great. It’s a good place to meet new people. It’s a wonderful source of useful information. It shrinks the world allowing relationships to endure despite geographical separation. It connects people with similar passions or beliefs. How many friends from my childhood have I reconnected with over the past few years? How many friends have I stayed connected with despite living thousands of miles away? How many new friends have IContinue Reading...
The post How to Make Facebook Enjoyable appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.