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finding wisdom in a foolish world
Ask the average couple, “How’s your marriage?” and they will pause. Some will eventually give a pat answer of “It’s good” while others will struggle with a response. But the pause is telling–few people know how to even process the question. Ask a coach, “How’s your team?” and they know how to answer. Ask your co-worker, “How are sales?” and they know how to answer. Ask a friend, “How’s your golf game?” and they knowContinue Reading...
The post What You’re Doing Wrong in Marriage appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
The voting took place fair and square. They were counted. Electors were selected. The process worked exactly as it is designed to do. You may not like the difference between the popular vote and the Electoral College, but that is the design. You can rightly protest Russian hacks, but don’t falsely claim that de-legitimized the outcome. Everyone knows Russia hacked the election, but no one claims they manipulated individual votes or the counting process. AmericansContinue Reading...
The post Move On, The Election Is Over appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.