Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


Occasionally on Fridays I take a break from serious writing and post personal stories about life in the pastorate. For more on these Funny Friday posts, see: Warning–Objects in the Pulpit Often Appear Holier Than They Actually Are. Be Careful Where You Park One of the funniest things about the pastorate is the occasional need […]

Do you want to learn how to parent? Learn to communicate with (not at) your children. In the sixth episode of The 7 Series: Parenting, Laura Keep and I discuss the topic of conversation. Show Notes: Conversation is the primary tool by which we parent. It only works when we put authority and love in […]

It was a minor skin tag under my eye. For years I just ignored it, but it continued to grow. With regularity, someone would stop me mid-conversation, and say, “You have something under your eye.” Finally, I decided to do something about it. I called a friend who is also a doctor. I asked if he […]

Pastors say it, “I just want to pastor a church and not worry about the money.” Artists say it, “I just want to be about the art and not the money.” Dreamers say it, “I don’t think about the money.” Wouldn’t the world be great if we could do what we wanted to do without […]

The post Never Ignore the Money appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Character is often viewed as an intangible. In theory, everyone wants good character, but few people want to do what it takes to have good character. Many are willing to sacrifice good character for immediate results. But good character is rarely about the immediate. It is built over time, concerned with the bigger issues, and […]