Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


I attended a wedding last week. While that might be a normal summer Saturday for you, it’s highly unusual for me. I don’t attend weddings; I perform them (four weddings and a funeral in the last five Saturdays). Yet last week a friend of mine got married and I didn’t have a wedding to perform, so […]

The post Always Attend the Wedding appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Before I had my first girlfriend, I was asked to speak at a Valentine’s Banquet for married couples. Had my guest asked the question out loud, “Should we invite someone who has never kissed a girl to speak to us about marriage?” I would’ve never been invited. Thankfully they never asked it out loud, so they […]

The post Five Rules For Every Teenager appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

One of the blessings of a maturing marriage is a growing awareness that we can navigate the difficult issues of life without those issues hurting our marriage. Actually, they can have the opposite influence. If a couple learns to confront the difficult issues, communicate them properly, and work through them, a marriage can be stronger, […]

I love positive social media posts—heart warming stories, pictures of kids as they grow, announcements of milestones, thoughtful reflections on life. One of the great strengths of social media is keeping in contact with old friends, meeting new people, and expanding the number of people with whom we share life. Social media is good. But, […]

I need to write my opening line. (check email) What’s the best way to draw attention? (Respond to Facebook message) I think the topic is of vital importance. (check twitter) (make a phone call) (check email again) (see if they have replied to my Facebook response) I often wonder why I do not get more […]

The post Stop Squandering Your Time appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.