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Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


Next Friday at our Greenwood campus, we are holding a parenting night. Over dinner we will discuss seven words which can drastically transform our parenting. Cost is $15 per person and it covers dinner, childcare, and materials. To sign-up, click here. As a parent, one of my primary responsibilities is to teach my children to genuinely feel and express respect and gratitude. It is vital for my children to respect themselves, others, and me. ItContinue Reading...

It sounds horribly old-fashioned, I know, but I still think it is true. Boys should ask out girls. This should be the normal procedure for dating. Not a text, not hint, not a word through a friend. But the old-fashioned dial her number, talk to her on the phone, and ask her on a date. (See: Dating to Break Up–a Unique Perspective) It sounds crazy to today’s modern young adult. It’s not the way thingsContinue Reading...

Ed Sheeran sings, “People fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just the touch of the hand.” I love to hear the stories of how people first fell in love. Every story has a unique quality to it. For most, there was a minor moment which deeply changed the course of their history—a chance meeting, something that caught their eye, or a moment in which their heart skipped a beat. Without falling in love, theseContinue Reading...

Friday night’s interview of Bruce Jenner by Diane Sawyer was riveting television. I was much more fascinated than I expected to be. Knowing it would be in the national narrative, I recorded the show with the plan of quickly skimming through the interview. Instead I watched the complete show, often not even fast-forwarding through the commercials because I needed the time to reflect on each segment. While I am not convinced this a grand turningContinue Reading...