Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


I don’t want to be offensive. I work hard as a speaker and writer to walk the tightrope of speaking truth (and a lot of opinion), but without being offensive to others. Yet offense is not always avoidable. Sometimes I expect it and even believe it validates what I am saying. At other times I grieve it and desperately wish it had not happened. The same response (someone being offended) can create radically different responses from me.Continue Reading...

Today is the day. Fifteen years ago at Jenny’s house, she walked down the aisle in her front yard and we pledged our earthly lives solely to one another. On one hand I can’t believe it’s been fifteen years. On the other hand, I can hardly remember life before her. I’ve told the story before, but one of my favorite married couples came into my office one time. They had been married for 70 years.Continue Reading...

The post 15 Tips for a Better Marriage appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Originality is a mirage. The world is too big for anyone to truly be original. We are all copies of something or someone. Yet there is a thing we do. We take our God-given makeup and we use it to express ourselves, make money, spend time, raise kids, etc. One of the most difficult aspects of growing up is trying to figure out who we are. When I was in college, a student asked our old professorContinue Reading...

The post Do What You Do appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.