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finding wisdom in a foolish world
Discipline is a dangerous game. It’s necessary for good parenting, but no one is a naturally good disciplinarian, and when done poorly, it can result in great harm for a child. No area of parenting requires more understanding, humility, and training than learning how to discipline a child. A parent must continually be learning and re-learning effective techniques to positively discipline a child in each stage of life. (See: A Parent’s Most Effective Tool in Discipline)Continue Reading...
The post Don’t Gang Tackle Your Kids appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
Sometimes they grew up with it. On other occasions they had a dramatic experience as a teenager or young adult. In some situations they didn’t consider faith until they were much older. No matter when faith entered their lives, many people go through a season in which they walk away. Rarely do they run. On most occasions, they slowly drift. Without even noticing, a close connection with God erodes until they wake up one dayContinue Reading...
The post How to Come Back to Faith appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
What happens to your ex after the divorce? Does the person who takes your job after you leave get credit for your work? Does someone who makes bad choices seem to get away with them without any negative consequences? Most people spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about other people. It’s a habit which begins in childhood. (See: How to Respond to Mean People) It is amazing how helpful my children desire to beContinue Reading...
The post What God Says About Other People appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
I’m a marriage blogger. As much as I don’t want to be narrowed down to a single topic, a quick look at the stats prove that most people read this website for content on marriage. Of the 15 most read posts in 2015, 13 of them are on the topic of marriage. The only non-marriage posts which break the top 15 are How to Parent an Adult Child Who is Making Bad Decisions and AContinue Reading...
The post Top 5 Marriage Posts of 2015 appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.
Weight loss products work…sometimes. Not always. For every Facebook post boasting of great success there are hundreds of people who don’t post anything because they weigh the same, feel the same, and are disappointed that another attempt at life change didn’t work. But sometimes products work. People who have tried to lose weight a thousand times find sudden success. The weight falls off, their energy increases, and a variety of other health issues change becauseContinue Reading...
The post Why Weight Loss Products Work Sometimes appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.