Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


Every great leader I’ve ever met has one thing in common. They differ in backgrounds, experiences, skills, giftedness, personality types, field of study, and every other area imaginable. Leaders come in all different shapes and sizes. Some lead Fortune 500 companies and others only have a single line on their resume which reads “Stay-at-Home Mom.” But every great leader shares one common trait—they want to know more about leadership. I’ve never met a truly effectiveContinue Reading...

Marriage has but one enemy—pride. It decays a marriage from the inside out. Where pride resides, intimacy cannot be found. True connection cannot be formed. Health cannot be developed. Marriages flourish in humility. In the absence of self-righteousness, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance, marriages have the ability to thrive. In the presence of all the “selfs” nothing but selfishness can grow. The answer to pride is what the Apostle Paul calls “sober judgment.” It’s a call to thinkingContinue Reading...

We need leadership. We can’t survive without it. While it is appealing to think we all function in the same role, show me an organization, company, or team without a leader and I’ll show you dysfunction. Leadership is a basic need of any group desiring to accomplish a goal. Yet human beings have a horrible track record of leadership. It’s a dilemma. Leadership connotes a level of influence or power. They are necessary components toContinue Reading...

The post Beware of Being the Leader appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.