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finding wisdom in a foolish world


I grew up hearing the phrase, “Hate the sin, love the sinner.” It’s a good phrase. It drove the point home to me that the way of Jesus always valued people even while not agreeing with everything they did. Love of a person and approval of action are not synonymous. I love myself, but I often do not like what I do. I love my children, but clearly get frustrated when they fail to obey.Continue Reading...
The post Hate My Sin, Love Other Sinners appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

(Today is Ella’s 10th birthday. She wants you to see her gift. To do so, click here.) I jumped in the shower because I knew it might be a while before I had another chance. Jenny was in the early stages of labor and we were headed to the hospital within the next hour or two. I took a shower as much to clear my head as to clean my body. As the water fellContinue Reading...
The post A Story about Ella on her 10th Birthday appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

For Ella’s 10th birthday, she had an interesting request–she wanted to host a cooking show. That makes my 10th birthday present–an L.A. Laker basketball–seem simple. Thankfully her mother is a great cook and her cousin is a videographer so what Ella wants, Ella gets. Here is her episode of Cooking with Ella. Leave a comment on Facebook or in the comment section as she loves to read all the comments. Also, look below the videoContinue Reading...
The post Cooking With Ella (A Birthday Present) appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

In our house, the word “timeout” is often considered a negative. It’s normally a form of punishment. One of the kids will have violated a house rule and their consequence is an age-defined time spent in isolation to reflect on their actions, calm their emotions, and consider a better course of action the next time they are faced with a similar scenario. They consider it a negative, but for their overall development, it is a positive.Continue Reading...
The post Sometimes You Need a Facebook Timeout appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.