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finding wisdom in a foolish world


Marriage isn’t easy. If there is anything a newlywed couple needs to understand it is that marriage will stretch them in ways they cannot imagine. They might feel a love they have never known, but those feelings will change and frustration is certain to be a part of marital life. It’s vital for couples to approach marriage with a healthy expectation that it will often be difficult. While marriage is hard, very rarely should itContinue Reading...

The post What Makes Marriage Hard appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Jenny hates the title of my new book. She dislikes it so much we actually refer to it by its initials–FPL. On May 2, 2017, my second book will be released by Revell Publishing a division of Baker Book Publishing. The book is based off of an old article which you can read here. The title is Friends, Partners, and Lovers: What It Takes to Make Your Marriage Work. (You can already pre-order the bookContinue Reading...

Want to better develop your marriage? Pre-order my next book: Friends, Partners, and Lovers: What It Takes to Make Your Marriage Work About the Book Great marriages don’t just happen–they’re made, intentionally, day by day. Yet most of us enter the covenant of marriage thinking that the role of spouse will be easy, natural, effortless. Rarely is this true. In fact, the number one cause of divorce isn’t adultery or finances or disagreements. It’s apathy–aContinue Reading...

Most people don’t want to argue. After engaging in a verbal sparring, whether in person or on Facebook, they regret it. They feel frustrated and alone. Very few people wake up of a morning thinking, “I hope to get into an argument today.” But on many days, that’s exactly what happens. A co-worker says something and we respond before even thinking about it. We don’t like the tone of our spouse’s response and we jabContinue Reading...

I remember when I was a kid, closing my eyes and wishing that when I opened them again that I would be 18. My 8-year-old brain assumed that life was pretty good at 18. What I didn’t realize is that at 18, the average man has so much testosterone in his body that he still has the brain of an 8-year-old. Life wasn’t easier then and it’s not easier now. Today I turn 39. WhileContinue Reading...

The post How Life Is Different at 39 appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.