Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


On occasion I like to take a break from the normal writing on Friday for a series called Funny Friday. For a background to this series see: Warning–Objects in the Pulpit Might Appear Holier Than They Actually Are.   Parenting might be exhausting and frustrating at times, but on many occasions it is hilarious. Here are four recent stories which have made me laugh: Why We Don’t Call People By Their Hair Color The kidsContinue Reading...

It’s been a bad week in Hollywood. Several high profile couples have announced their marriages are over. While we’ve come to expect celebrity couples to divorce, their break-ups should rebuke us far more than we realize. Celebrities divorce for four major reasons: 1. Bad preparation. Many marriages are doomed from the “I do.” Failing to make wise choices before a marriage greatly hinders marital satisfaction. Celebrities are far less likely to make wise choices while dating.Continue Reading...

The post Why Do Celebrities Divorce? appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

It’s not an uncommon sight in my office. A person is broken. Maybe it’s because of a mistake of their own, maybe they are getting the raw end of another person’s bad choices, or maybe they are just feeling the negative consequences of living in a broken world. No matter the situation, they have hit bottom. And at the bottom there is one common feeling–I’m not good enough. Feeling as though one is not goodContinue Reading...

I was early. My order wasn’t ready yet so I had to stand beside the door and wait. One by one customers were leaving the restaurant and I was strangely standing at the door trying not to get in the way. The first person to leave was a lady with her hands full. I quickly reached out and opened the door for her. She thanked me and went about her way. The next person toContinue Reading...

The post How Good Multiplies appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.