Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


God’s will is often seen as right and wrong, black or white. And in many cases it is. In some ways, God’s will is ever clear. The Bible gives concrete instructions on many aspects of life. The question we often face is not “what is the will of God,” but is “will we obey what God has commanded?” Yet when the phrase “will of God” is used, we often aren’t talking about God’s clear commands.Continue Reading...

It’s encouraging to go to the dentist and find out you don’t have any cavities. It’s nice when you have a physical and your blood-work is all clear. Being reassured that everything looks good is useful. It doesn’t guarantee that everything will be fine tomorrow, but it does say in the big issues of life we are doing okay. Marriages sometimes need that reassurance as well. While there may not be a definitive test ofContinue Reading...

At the heart of the Christian faith is the idea that there is a God who communicates with His creation. Contrary to the thought of some of America’s forefathers, God did not spin the world into motion and then step back to watch (Deism). Instead, He stepped into His creation and became involved (Christianity). God is speaking. To believer and unbeliever alike, God is active and vocal. Unbelievers don’t hear God because they don’t believe.Continue Reading...